3-Month Movement Evaluation Progression
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Want to track your movement changes over time?
Sign-up for the 3-month movement evaluation progression. This option includes 3 movement evaluations (1 per month for 3 months). Following each video submission, you will have a Skype video call with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). During the call, the DPT will discuss your movement progression and reoccurring dysfunctions. You will receive updated corrective exercises with each video to assist in changing your movement patterns.
With this option, each evaluation gets $10 cheaper! The first evaluation is $89, the second $79, and the third $69.
Sign-up for the 3-month movement evaluation progression. This option includes 3 movement evaluations (1 per month for 3 months). Following each video submission, you will have a Skype video call with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). During the call, the DPT will discuss your movement progression and reoccurring dysfunctions. You will receive updated corrective exercises with each video to assist in changing your movement patterns.
With this option, each evaluation gets $10 cheaper! The first evaluation is $89, the second $79, and the third $69.